We value the trust taxpayers place
in Godley ISD.
“We Believe classrooms of excellence should be the top priority of the Godley ISD budget. That’s why we constantly monitor costs, find new efficiencies and implement financial savings programs that make sure our spending is focused in the areas of the most need. As the fastest growing district in Johnson County, our commitment to fiscal responsibility has allowed our Board of Trustees to cut property tax rates to help homeowners facing higher property values.”
Craig Stevenson
Godley ISD Trustee
As we continuously seek the input of our families and local businesses, Godley ISD is committed to maintaining our track record of financial transparency, smart budgeting and cost-savings efficiencies.
Our 2015 bond projects, consisting of the first phase of the new high school, ag facility, campus renovations and a technology refresh, were completed on time and on budget.
2021 bond projects are currently underway including the career and technical education center, competition gymnasium and fine arts wing at Godley High School. The new Pleasant View Elementary School will open soon.
Godley ISD has been awarded a Superior Rating through the Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas.